Case Study: Healthcare Provider Increases Revenue by 81% with Galileo’s Data-Driven Marketing Optimization

A healthcare company lacked visibility into attribution. With Galileo, they increased effectiveness of Marketing 81%.

The Challenge

The healthcare provider had been making substantial investments in digital marketing but lacked a clear understanding of how effective its spend was across different channels. The annual marketing budget of $214,000 was spread across:

  • $170,000 on Facebook Ads
  • $30,000 on Google Ads
  • $14,000 on SEO (Google Organic)

Despite this sizable spend, the provider could only measure overall outcomes in terms of revenue, which stood at $3,744,000 annually. The marketing team knew which channels were being used and the total spend per channel, but had no clear data showing how each channel contributed to patient acquisition or how efficiently marketing dollars were being spent. In particular, the team was unsure which channel or combination of channels was most effective in driving new patient leads.

Without insight into the true return on ad spend (ROAS) or the interplay between channels, the provider was essentially flying blind. They couldn’t tell whether they were overspending on underperforming channels or missing opportunities to capitalize on more effective ones. This lack of visibility left significant room for improvement in both marketing efficiency and overall revenue growth.


The healthcare provider turned to Galileo, an AI-powered platform that uses multi-touch attribution to deliver actionable insights into the performance of each marketing channel. Galileo’s implementation gave the provider the clarity it needed to optimize its marketing efforts. Key steps included:

  1. Comprehensive Multi-Touch Attribution Analysis: Galileo analyzed all digital touchpoints across the patient acquisition funnel, revealing how each channel contributed to patient conversions. This process allowed the provider to understand the performance of each channel in isolation and how channels worked together. Importantly, this analysis showed that:

    • Facebook Ads, which accounted for the largest portion of the spend, was delivering the lowest returns.
    • Google Ads and SEO were both significantly more effective than Facebook, even though they received a much smaller portion of the overall budget.
  2. Revealing ROAS for Each Channel: Once Galileo was in place, the provider could see the true ROAS for each channel, which had previously been unknown:

    • Facebook Ads had an alarmingly low ROAS of 0.7, meaning the provider was losing money on every dollar spent on this platform.
    • Google Ads had a ROAS of 3.4, delivering strong returns.
    • SEO was the top performer, with a ROAS of 6.5, even with the smallest initial spend.
  3. Data-Driven Reallocation of Marketing Spend: Armed with these insights, the provider made a strategic shift in its marketing budget:

    • Facebook Ads spend was reduced from $170,000 to $94,000, minimizing losses from the low-performing channel.
    • Google Ads spend was increased from $30,000 to $90,000 to capitalize on its higher efficiency.
    • SEO spend was doubled from $14,000 to $30,000, recognizing the strong returns from organic search traffic.
  4. Ongoing Optimization: Galileo’s real-time monitoring allowed the provider to continuously track channel performance and adjust budgets as needed, ensuring that future marketing dollars were directed to the most effective platforms.


By reallocating its marketing spend based on Galileo’s insights, the healthcare provider achieved remarkable results:

  • 81% increase in annual revenue, rising from $3,744,000 to $6,801,600.
  • Significant improvement in marketing efficiency, as more budget was directed to channels with the highest ROAS.
  • Increased patient acquisition at a lower overall cost, with smarter spend allocation and ongoing optimization.

The ability to track and measure the true ROAS of each channel empowered the provider to make informed decisions, driving substantial revenue growth while eliminating wasteful spending.

Moving Forward

With Galileo’s data-driven insights and multi-touch attribution model, the healthcare provider has transformed its marketing strategy. They continue to rely on Galileo to adjust and optimize their ad spend, ensuring sustained growth in revenue and more cost-effective patient acquisition. The provider is now better positioned to navigate changes in both digital marketing trends and patient behaviors, while continuing to see improved returns on every marketing dollar spent.